Saturday, September 10, 2011

Confessions from A to Z

Dear people, ive got few things to confess. I swear I don't misspelled a name. If you find your name mentioned, you should be thanking.

Dear Alex, you got me. I can barely spot the difference between truth and lie because when you speak it out, it all sounds the same.
Dear Aubree, I've been adoring you since you were first breath the air on this earth. You're cute.
Dear Austin, I once thought of talking to you personally.
Dear Barney, I never wondered behind the purple dino costume you look a lot like NPH. By the way how come you forget the one who was that close to you?
Dear Billy, I made a big mistake and awful decision. I regret it at first but now I'm grateful.
Dear Bonny, sometimes when you tell me what to do I spit out swear words if I don't feel like it.
Dear Brian, I loved you at the first sight and I just hope we're destined to be together.
Dear Charles, JSYK someone had been keeping a crush on you and you didn't realize it that's why she lose it. Btw why don't you accept my friend request?
Dear Chip, I've always been waiting for your appearance but you never show up when I'm there.
Dear Ellen, I don't know who you are but I always mention you in my diary.
Dear Emily, tell your brother I miss the old version of him. Sometimes technology doesn't quite right.
Dear Grace, I once upset at you when you first came to school after you moved out. Bet you know what caused it.
Dear Jacob, the only reason I would marry a half human is because you're a careful person. And I'm not able to resist a hunk.
Dear Joshua, I appreciate the 5 precious months you gave me and every bullshit you preach me and how you wake me up and yell that I'm imagining.
Dear Justin, will you marry me?
Dear Leah, I once wished I was your mom. Be patient little buddy, life's indeed tough.
Dear Loura, I hate you because you lied about your feeling and it was extremely deep. But the past days I kinda missed you though.
Dear Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and the hour of our death.
Dear Megan, no wonder people adore you so much. You're a drop dead hottie!
Dear Robin, your sister is a nice person, but I kinda feel bad for her.
Dear Taylor, would it be a crime if I use your lyrics to explain the unspoken words I can't even mention without any legal permission?
Dear Zacky, you fell asleep when we first met. But I'm no Dora who smooched Boots to wake him up.

P.S : I random typed random names so sorry for any misspelled and irritating words if there's any of them but I really didn't mean to I told you they're all random I only typed what through my mind and BAM here it is. So, no offense, because those name are pretty common that's why I thought about them easily so, kthxbye.

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