Wednesday, April 20, 2011


officialjaden : You Never Really Know Who Your Friends Are...

Let me make the tweet below clear. Based on a personal experience of mine, I took a lesson that ‘some compliments might contain some hidden purposes’. For example,
A friend of yours gave lotsa compliments about your appearance, for example your hair. One day, she told you to cut it or change the hairstyle into something you don’t like or you don’t match with. She was kinda pushing you by telling ‘Come on, you’re absolutely gonna look cute on it.’
From the compliment we can conclude that: SHE IS ENVY OF YOUR BEAUTY AND WANTING YOU TO BE UGLIER!
You don’t really have to be mad or keeping distance from her, I’ve got some tips to face a friend like that:
  1. Try not to show off your specialty in front of her, that makes her envy the more.
  2. If you think what she’s got is not that good, you can help her to make it looks better. Giving ideas of some treatment products might work.
  3. If she started to copy you, I know how it feels like. What I did? I was upset and tired of being nice, I showed off the beauty of my hair in front of her face and finally she over-spoken her purpose that because she’s envy of me, HAH!
Well I think that's all. Just don't let it break your friendship tie. I know it sucks yet annoying to have such a friend like that, but take it positively. She's envy of you, that means you're beautiful. Sometimes being proud is needed, that's how Thally sees it!(:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mad by Mahone

I told you, YouTube really makes sensation. It's like a factory where young-superstars-to-be are made. I found a video and I thought it was Bieber cos he's so alike. The name is Austin Mahone ♥  (Finally, someone with the same age as me yeah!)
I haven't told you to look at his face or his Bieber-ish style. Shut your blabbering mouth for a while and just click the 'Play' button on the video. Be melted by his incredible voice. To be honest, I admit it he's no more handome than Bieber but the first time I heard his voice it just made me fly to the seventh sky~

Seriously, that was the best 'Rain' and 'Pain' I have ever heard. I love the way he sang those part plus the hand wavin' like raindrops falling from the sky.You guys check out the other videos of Austin on YouTube by clicking the link above. Well uh, Bieber, it's hard to say but be careful of this guy right here ok ;)  ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, April 4, 2011


Schoolmates and I had been busy with school exams which just ended last Friday. The clique and I refreshed our minds from the words of knowledge we've studied the whole week by went on a hangout. We planned to go to the Central Park Mall but there was nothin to do there so we rid to the Taman Anggrek Mall next door.
Me in the grey tops and short denim. Braided my fringe cos it's grown too long and messy :p

(left-right)Thamia, Marcelli, Me, Grace, Eveline
we as the family of kingdom.

superlike this pic of me and Thamia's glasses ;)

Lose our minds in the fitting room, I posed like an idiot emo on the corner and we all laughed at myself. Unfortunately Eveline haven't uploaded the photo yet LOL.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Want Candy!

I'm pretty sure you all know about the upcoming movie 'HOP' telling about a rabbit/hare I don't know much about it either that's why I want it to be shown here in my city so badly. Well I like it better than the other animated movie 'Rio' telling about birds, I'm not very excited about it. That's maybe cos I got a feelin there's Cody behind the scene of HOP (y) He's singing the soundtrack 'I Want Candy' and he's just too sweet as the candy. Check it out peeps ;)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Judy Bimpson?

Y'all know that I am a Belieber yet a Simpsonizer. FYI, I have my own folder for their pics. One day, I was lookin at the pics and I found two pics of them those are just exactly alike! I mixed 'em into one pic :
Would I be wrong if I call them :
Judy Bimpson?
(it's Justin+Cody, Bieber+Simpson)
  • Hair -check!
  • Shades -check!
  • White tops -check!
Looks like everything's just exactly the same minus the necklace and guitar. So who's copying and who's being copied? I don't know. The right question should be : Which one do you like the most? Justin, Cody or Judy? :)