Monday, April 4, 2011


Schoolmates and I had been busy with school exams which just ended last Friday. The clique and I refreshed our minds from the words of knowledge we've studied the whole week by went on a hangout. We planned to go to the Central Park Mall but there was nothin to do there so we rid to the Taman Anggrek Mall next door.
Me in the grey tops and short denim. Braided my fringe cos it's grown too long and messy :p

(left-right)Thamia, Marcelli, Me, Grace, Eveline
we as the family of kingdom.

superlike this pic of me and Thamia's glasses ;)

Lose our minds in the fitting room, I posed like an idiot emo on the corner and we all laughed at myself. Unfortunately Eveline haven't uploaded the photo yet LOL.

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